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Tregold Wedding Planning Queenstown Wanaka

EEEEEEEK…. Where do I start?

Planning your wedding can be a daunting process, there are a lot of things to consider and as soon as you say ‘yes’ it seems like everyone has a massive list of things that you simply must do (as well as inviting your 4th aunty twice removed….) Don’t worry, we got you and can help you get started, after all we have planned heaps of weddings (it’s kind of our jam). Check out this list to help you know where to get started and help keep you focused.
Chuck on the jug, grab your notebook and crack on, you got this! 

Let’s do this!

Ok, the best place to start is to figure out what’s most important, that way you can steer your budget and know what you will need to get locked in first. Sit down with your lovely one and have a chat about the 5 most important things for your wedding, is it shipping over your best mate, a killer photographer, lush food or a traditional mariachi band? List them and pop it on the fridge as a constant reminder of what is most important to you as a couple.

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________

BIG picture!

Before you get caught up in what colour napkins you want, let’s chat about the big picture for your wedding, the when, where, who and how much?


Budget, eeeew sounds stressful…. Don’t worry this isn’t as tricky as it looks, you can have a great wedding on any budget. So long as you stay true to what’s important (see fancy list above) spending decisions will be easy as. Sit down and discuss what you can afford, don’t be tempted to get a new credit card for the occasion – the last thing you want is to start married life stressed about finances. *FYI a good wedding planner should SAVE you money, they are your on-the-ground advocates that know where all the best deals are (and we at TREGOLD pass on all of our supplier discounts to our couples, we don’t take commissions…boom!)


We think that Central Otago is the best place in the world to get married (obvs). With a wealth of amazing suppliers and scenery that will make you go all giddy, it really is second to none.


Pick your time of year, consider what the weather will be like and if there will be enough accommodation available for those that are traveling from out of town. You will often get rocking discounts for booking your wedding in the ‘off season’ or on a weekday too, yas!


If you wouldn’t buy them dinner, don’t invite them to your wedding. I know, it sounds harsh but essentially that is what you are doing, buying the best dinner they’ve ever had. Start with your inner circle, your nearest and dearest – those that have loved and supported you throughout your life and as a couple. If you’ve still got more in the budget you can then start adding the other people that you think are awesome. Don’t feel pressured to invite long-lost family members or all of your facebook friends, a wedding is a special thing and if your budget won’t stretch to your co-workers then don’t invite them. A way to cleverly add more guests and not blow the budget is to invite people to the party, they can rock up at a time after dinner and dance the night away. Make sure you save some of the fun stuff like cutting the cake and the first dance so that they still feel involved, supper is also a good plan. Remember, don’t invite anyone to the ceremony that you aren’t having at the full reception that one’s a major no no.